amazon quiz

Hello Everyone, Play Amazon Daily Quiz and win Samsung Galaxy M20 Smartphone is Live Now. Today’s (22 April 2020) questions are:

You can play the quiz and answered all questions correctly, and looks like you’re doing your part on keeping yourself informed. If You are looking fast and right answers here are all 5 correct answers of The Quiz.

How to Play Daily Quiz Answers –

  1. Download Amazon App From Google – OR Apple Store.
  2. Open & Sign in to the Amazon App.
  3. Find Amazon Daily Quiz, and if you are unable to find it. Then follow these steps:
    • Type in the search bar – “Quiz”
    • Then, click on the Fun Zone image
    • Here you will see all the list of quizzes.
  4. There will be a total of 5 questions
  5. Answer all Amazon Daily Quiz questions correctly.

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Amazon Quiz Answers:

Which of these is a high-speed satellite internet product development project from Amazon?

Project Kuiper

Phobophobia is the fear of what?


How do we better know singer Park Jae-sang born on 31st December, who became a worldwide phenomenon in 2012? (Hint : Gangnam style!!)


Utkalika is the state emporium of which Indian state?


GS Lakshmi is the first woman to do what in the world of cricket?

Match refree for a Men’s ODI

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